Sunday, May 25, 2008

Week 12!

Micro chipping people how very minority report, my question is are we getting a little head of ourselves in society i mean maybe because all the movies back in the day predicted that by the year 2020 that we'd have robots as servants and practically use computers to eliminate tedious tasks out of every daily routine including sex (demolition man) that we are trying to progress to these Hollywood prediction before other elements of society are up to speed! Are we trying to fill Hollywood expectation! I must admit though at the moment i wouldnt mind having a robot around as my boyfriend broke his leg playing rugby on sat and it has become my task to feed, clean and even shower him so hey bring on robot slaves could use one of those right now ! K a little off track just venting! but the whole idea of what lies ahead can be some what daunting i mean i.d. chips yeah i guess maybe a good idea to locate violent offenders, missing children and missing people in general but are we trying to evolve into a Hollywood movie and as we have seen there are generally negative connotations surrounding most futuristic films and the use of advanced technology and robots turning on there creators maybe we should slow down i mean there are other pressing issues such as global warming, poverty and disease maybe we should re-focus technological energies towards these issue instead of finding more advance ways to violate our privacy! Just a thought!

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