Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Wikpedia, friend or foe! So back to this weeks discussions and reading by Thomas Chesney reguarding the reliability of an encyclopedia which might or might not be reliable! But as this is my blog i just want to say that why the fuss wikipedia is utilisng the wonders of the web 2.0 to allow us to locate, add and revise infromation all at the click of the mouse. I mean isnt it better that we are able to access, sort and have the oppourtunity to share our knowledge! We as a society are becoming differently information literate, knowledge is becoming globalised and we are now having access to a broader field of knowdge. so seing we are broadening our horrizens why shouldnt we be able to edit and post information such as wikipedia without relying on the permission of some over paid editor who is just one person with one opinion to tell us or anyone else that our work does not make the cut! or that we are not right! if we are demanding a more diverse range of info and choices we should be able to remove the barriers that stop us from sharing that information! so go the wiki and there challenge to the notion of authors as the only authority, sharing is caring and if we have some amazing fact like couch burning in otago or etc then who says we cant share it with the world thank yo web 2.0 wow!

Monday, March 24, 2008


Q: Why did the man freeze his money?

A: Because he wanted cold, hard cash!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Virtual Communities: Well this week im going to admit that i found the readings a little boring! But i do agree David Holmes articale that computer mediated communication networks and virtual realities are environments rather than merely techonolgy used to "carry older forms in a new more helpful medium". The internet as we know it has completely restructured how we communicate, acces and exchange information bringing us oppourtunies that are not affected by boundaries of space, time or distance. The internet has created virtual environments that have the oppourtunity to constantly expand which we can use to continualy conncet and intergrate within through using this technological extension! Its pretty impresive how the oppourtunities the internet provides us with however, it is my opinion that the internet is not at all a substitue for face to face communication but complimentry to it. As the intetnet creates virtual environments which help us maintain and expand our relationships no matter where we are connecting us more closely to strength and lengthen our ties which further enhances face to face interactions when we are not able to be in the presence of others but still enable us the ability to exchange,interelate and communicate with on another.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Q: Why did the blonde get so excited after she finished her jigsaw puzzle in only 6 months?

A: Because on the box it said "From 2-4 years."

It joke of the week time again! wow how exciting hopefuly this one will manage at least a few laughs!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Week 3

Thoughts for the week!
I think the issue concerning a new age hacktivist being either a modern freedom fighter or a new age terroist seems to be a controvercial subject. But like eveything there are always two points of view i guess, as some people like corperate organisations may percieve hacktivist as cyberterroists, where as other percieve hacktivists as freedom fighters. I think like everything no matter what your opinion, these hacktivists are still people and whether engaging in reality or cyber-space we as people have a choice between right and wrong, moral obligation to society. So as we evolve within society people still have the same rights to demonstrate freedom of speech, the ability to speak out against injustice however, at the same time people still need to display there moral obligation as a human being to act responcibly, which i think people may forget when they are emersed within the virtual world wide web. So therefore hacktivists are simply people utilising there rights however, some of these people like in the real world forget there moral obligation and the rights of others., resulting in black and white hat hackers. So therefore there's a choice between right and wrong and who we are as people that will define us both in reality and cyber space.

Monday, March 10, 2008


SOOOOOOOO i was talking with my flatties about my blog and how mine is kind of boring etc. and that i need to engage with my class members some how! (but my page has so far not really achieved that cause its boring!) :( How sad! So in attempt to get some online friends they suggest i add a joke of the week to my page......... so here goes!

What do you get when you cross a donkey with an onion?

A piece of ass that brings tears to your eyes!

So if that tickled your fancy stay tuned for next weeks joke cause there only going to get better! wow!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

So Far………..

After completing week 2’s readings, lecture and of course the set up of my class blog, I have been realising more and more just how pivotal the internet is in maintaining and creating social networks like our class simulation.
Although this has not always been the case I agree with Ian Miles (2005) article ‘Be here now’, that the internet has allowed us to evolve and offered us opportunities to communicate within new information societies that enable us so much accessibility and diversity. An example of this in my life can be identified in my use of MySpace and Facebook, these sites allow me to create a social network which is compiled of new friends, old friends, friends that you met once or twice in town and even friends of friends. These communities allow us to be more accessible, expand our social networks and constantly let us be updates with each others daily lives no matter where in the world we are. However, with this accessibility also comes an issue of privacy, who else is getting access to these intimate details! This question relates to Berry’s (2004) article ‘Internet research…’, which highlights that with this new technology also come an emergence of issue which abuse this accessibility and violate the trust of other online users who interact online!
So I guess in the end you have to weigh up the pro’s and con’s of being able to access and communicate, but also the downfalls that come with this communication and then decide how much should we really expose about ourselves when using this sites! In the end I guess only we can decide what we want to reveal within these virtual communities!