Sunday, March 9, 2008

So Far………..

After completing week 2’s readings, lecture and of course the set up of my class blog, I have been realising more and more just how pivotal the internet is in maintaining and creating social networks like our class simulation.
Although this has not always been the case I agree with Ian Miles (2005) article ‘Be here now’, that the internet has allowed us to evolve and offered us opportunities to communicate within new information societies that enable us so much accessibility and diversity. An example of this in my life can be identified in my use of MySpace and Facebook, these sites allow me to create a social network which is compiled of new friends, old friends, friends that you met once or twice in town and even friends of friends. These communities allow us to be more accessible, expand our social networks and constantly let us be updates with each others daily lives no matter where in the world we are. However, with this accessibility also comes an issue of privacy, who else is getting access to these intimate details! This question relates to Berry’s (2004) article ‘Internet research…’, which highlights that with this new technology also come an emergence of issue which abuse this accessibility and violate the trust of other online users who interact online!
So I guess in the end you have to weigh up the pro’s and con’s of being able to access and communicate, but also the downfalls that come with this communication and then decide how much should we really expose about ourselves when using this sites! In the end I guess only we can decide what we want to reveal within these virtual communities!


erika said...

good first post, Nicole. I like how you are seeing that there are pros and cons to any type of mediated engagement.

I wonder, have you ever heard of Porush's Law? It's one we'll be coming back to a few times in class. Basically, it says that participation in the latest communications technologies is a requirement for remaining a part of that culture. Do you agree, or is that a little too technologically determinist for your liking?

Nicole said...

I agree, i think communications technologies is a requirement for remaining socialy acceptable, this a bit off topic but its like how everyone has mobiles which they constantly have to update to the newest model or how one month everyone is using myspace and then now facebook is suddenly the new faze, or we no longer can walk around with a discman we have to have an ipod i think, communication technologies are our chocie if we engage with them or not but its almost like peer pressure that if we dont we'll get left behind in the dark ages!

erika said...

as somebody who refuses to have a mobile phone (I kill them, its very odd) I can certainly relate to the 'get left behind' argument. I was filling out some forms a few months back, and they had a space for my mobile number only, not my home or office number....but that's a rant for another time :)