Sunday, May 25, 2008

Final Thought!

Well when I started this course I honestly didn’t think that I would get so much out of it! There have been so many issue raised that I would never think twice about. I’ll admit that although I use my computer daily im no whiz and I defiantly don’t have a wide knowledge on how to do extraordinary things with my computer but as I have discovered it doesn’t matter if you use your computer for basic things like emails, banking and social networking we all need to be aware of how our usage is affecting our identities, how we represent ourselves and who is watching us! Online activities are now primed into most aspect of our daily lives so its more than beneficial that we should all be aware of the network we are engaging with and information flows we are sending and receiving its only going to get more complicated and more confusing maybe this should become a compulsory subject at school I mean I will never use algebra again or trigonometry but the internet and online activities are only going to keep saturating the world around us!

1 comment:

Eugene said...

I know i have not commented on your blog..but I did really enjoy your JOkes!!! hehehe