Sunday, May 11, 2008

Week 10!

Do people need more than the basics to escape true poverty and social inequality in a “global” information economy?
So the digital divide, well if the world didn’t have enough problems we are now faced with the question of a digital divide well i think that after this weeks reading discussing convergence culture and the expanding opportunities for both producers and consumers in the 21st century it occurred to me that maybe divides occur in society because certain things are being neglected and other things are seen as our main focus, I mean our obsession with media consumption and the process of convergence within our media culture may be an influential topic but lets face it its not going to end world hunger or end poverty. The media industry is concerned with one thing making money, and we as consumers use it to make life easier and more enjoyable! I mean I don’t think we can ever eliminate social inequality it is always going to happen but maybe we can eliminate the extremes between these inequalities so maybe this whole looking beyond the basics to escape true poverty isn’t such a bad idea but in the end just surviving is difficult enough for people living in poverty so maybe this issue should be of a little more of importance. I mean in today’s society it is hard to imagine that these inequalities still exist when we have access to things we do its hard to understand why we cant be as involved or as innovative when it comes to the issue of social inequality than as we are with our pursuit of the production consumption of media


danalumsden said...

I think you raise some excellent points here, like you I dont think we will ever end social inequality, half the problem being that alot of these countries wont help themselves- whether they have the means to or not.Look at myanmar there political regime is so stupidly strict and proud that they practically put the lives of their citizens second to their reputation, crazy. This is where i sort of part from your views on technology not being a priority, i think that if we can find the means to get technology into these places then it will help to close that poverty gap somewhat by supplying the people with means to pull themselves out of poverty- now days setting up schools simply with a chalk board isnt enough we live in a digital age and without the skills to use it their education will only take them so far before they get knocked back, this technology also helps to get their word out across the world bringing sttention tot he cause- basically it gives them the ability to do something for themselves rather than relying on other people.
so sorry for rambling on in your blog i will stop now!

Nicole said...

nah good ramble! i think we have to start developing the gaps before we get to ahead of ourselves, i mean you see images of myanmar and its like well if we want to do something lets equal the playing field before we start creating a second life lets try do soemthing bout the one we have, i know there will always be social inequality but maybe we could invest evening out these gaps to of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer and invest technology into solving these problems instead of just forgetting they are there until there a natural disaster!

Unknown said...

Yea i do agree with your views ..but What are the countries doing to fight social inequality n poverty and hunger??
Have you heard about the end poverty2015 campaign initiated by UN?
Well it has 8 MDG's meaning the 8 millennium development goals.If you want to know more about it than my gmail id is : lakhani.ayesha
please let us know if your intrested in doing social work for us.

In 2007, Over 43.7 million people, in 127 countries broke the Guinness World Record for the largest number of people to “STAND UP AGAINST POVERTY” in 24 hours

Let's cross the 100 Million mark this time.

Invite your friends-