Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Week 3

Thoughts for the week!
I think the issue concerning a new age hacktivist being either a modern freedom fighter or a new age terroist seems to be a controvercial subject. But like eveything there are always two points of view i guess, as some people like corperate organisations may percieve hacktivist as cyberterroists, where as other percieve hacktivists as freedom fighters. I think like everything no matter what your opinion, these hacktivists are still people and whether engaging in reality or cyber-space we as people have a choice between right and wrong, moral obligation to society. So as we evolve within society people still have the same rights to demonstrate freedom of speech, the ability to speak out against injustice however, at the same time people still need to display there moral obligation as a human being to act responcibly, which i think people may forget when they are emersed within the virtual world wide web. So therefore hacktivists are simply people utilising there rights however, some of these people like in the real world forget there moral obligation and the rights of others., resulting in black and white hat hackers. So therefore there's a choice between right and wrong and who we are as people that will define us both in reality and cyber space.


erika said...

Hi Nicole, nice post. Here's a thought experiment for you. Would your opinion of hacktivists change if their actions brought down the computers which recorded all your banking details? All your savings (and all your loans!) gone in a flash? Just as physical protesters seek to disrupt physical space by blocking access (filling the streets), so hacktivists seek to disrupt information space by disrupting data -- but are these equivalent acts in an information society?

Nicole said...

I think that whether we are interacting within a virtual community or within reality that we still have an obligation to engage appropriatly whether we are on the internet or not we still know the difference between right and wrong, and hacktivists who choose to act in a way which terroises other people who engae in online practices like banking details then they are choosing to abuse there freedom and ultimatly they are breaching the laws that protect our freedom and should be punished but i guess its like everything there are people in society who choose to break the law so whether your are trying to change something for the better you still have a moral obligation to abide by the law and the choice to choose between right and wrong. we all deserve the freedom to stand up for what we think is right but for the hacktivists who cross the line by engaging in forms of cyber terroism like bringing down the omputers that record banking details aew no longer trying to make positive changes they are ultimatly breaking the law.